I give lectures, here’s list. Contact me if you want me to give one or develop a new one:
- Lightroom Classic/CC Exposed: An Introduction to Lightroom
- Developing with Lightroom
- Flowing with Lightroom
- Where’s My ****** Files?
- Colour Management from Camera to Screen to Printer
- Camera RAW: What Why and Should I bother?
- Knowing you Camera, Knowing How to Photograph
- What to do with your Photographs after taking them
- Trick photography
- An Imperfect Safari
- Is it Really Cold in Antarctica?
- The History of a Typical Photographic Society – Stockport Photographic Society
- Cameras: Past Present & Future
- How to Take and Make Panoramas
- Creating Photobooks
- Converting Slides/Film to Digital Images
- The Future of Cameras and Photography